Creator of Hula With Me Blog



I am a Boston transplant who was born in Hong Kong and grew up in California.  Travel and skincare are my two loves.


The TRAVEL BUG was planted in me from a young age - I would travel to both popular destinations and some that are more remote as my parents wanted me to see the world beyond the ones we lived in.  More importantly, they wanted me to understand and appreciate that there were cultures and people who were different from us.  My parents’ liberal thinking helped me feel comfortable traveling to foreign and unfamiliar places even when I don’t speak the language because I know that as long as we show kindness and respect toward others, we can break down any barriers.  


As for MY LOVE FOR SKINCARE, my mom plays a big role in getting me to take care of my skin at an early age. She started taking me to her facialist when I was still a teenager and got me into a regular skincare routine.  I did fall off the wagon when I moved to the U.S. on my own (those Malibu beaches were just too tempting!), but every time I visited home, my mom would take me straight to her facialist.  Then came the sudden rush of Asian Skincare craze in recent years and I was once again reminded of the importance of skincare.  Now that I’m older and wiser, I am 100% dedicated to taking care of my skin and to exercise full-on sun protection.  


I started my blog at HULA WITH ME as a way for me to share these two loves and to connect with like-minded people around the world.  I love the creative process - from brainstorming what to write about to creating the infographics to interacting with some wonderful people on social media.  Some people say social media makes us less human, and for me, it has allowed me to meet people around the globe whom I would never have met otherwise.  And it is this wonderful group of people who gives me the courage and support to continue creating useful and beautiful content on my blog.

I want to thank all of you for stopping by Hula With Me and for sharing your love for travel and skincare with me!

I'd love to hear from you, too...We can connect via email ( or you can find me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.



Best View//  It's best to view blog posts at 70% to 80% zoom.  This way, you can see most of the photos in one complete shot on your screen.

Photo//  All photos are taken by me unless stated otherwise.  I use both my iPhone 6 and Nikon 1 J5. 

On Sharing//  I would be so excited if you like my content enough to want to share with others!  Just one tiny thing I ask of you - Please give credit where credit is due.  Thanks so much!